The Deal of a Lifetime- Act Now!

Are you sick and tired of feeling sad?

Are you sick and tired of keeping up with the Jones’?

Are you sick and tired of not feeling whole?

Do you feel like something really huge is missing from our life?

Do you need a huge weight lifted off your shoulders?

Are you sick and tired of feeling old?

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

How would you like to become a new creation?  I know I would!

Then I have got the answer for you.  Jesus Christ.  That’s right!

Jesus Christ is the answer.  It is that simple.  If you give your life over to Jesus today, GodCo has put together the not so quick, not so painless, remedy to all of the problems that currently plague you. 

If you accept Jesus in to your life, and let him be your Lord and Savior, then GodCo will…

Take that burden off your shoulder

Forgive you of your misgivings in life, not matter how great or small

Show you love beyond your grasp!

Wow! Shouldn’t that be enough?  But wait, there’s more…

If you act today, and accept Jesus into your life, then GodCo will throw in …

-a heightened sense of the spiritual

That’s right, you will never view things the same way again. Everything will look a whole lot better in life. Your outlook will change.  You will have no choice but to be a better person.  

GodCo regrets to tell you that upon making this important life decision, you may lose a few friends who can’t understand this sudden change in your life.  They may begin to call you names like Jesus Freak or Holy Roller.  They will be filled with feelings of jealousy and envy at your new life. 

So you get all of these wonderful spiritual gifts for a very low introductory offer.  Actually, at GodCo our prices never change, they have always been the same. 

If you act today, GodCo wil add one more gift, and this one ain’t cheap.  We will offer you the gift of Grace.  Folks that’s something you just can’t put a price tag on. 

So, lets take inventory of this wonderful offer…

You get…

Ease from your burdens

Forgiveness beyond measure

Unconditional love

A heightened sense of the spiritual

A renewed outlook on life

You will become a better person

The very special gift of God’s grace

And because you are very special in God’s eyes, if you act today, then GodCo is willing to offer one more thing…Eternal Salvation! 

And all that for the very low price of giving your life over to God, and allowing Jesus to be your Lord and Savior.   Yes folks, it’s that easy.

All you have to do is Humble yourself! 

All you have to do is have the humility to give your life over to Jesus. 

You may be asking yourself- how is that GodCo is able to do all of this. 

So much, for such a low price. 

Actually the price was pretty high—Jesus took on the cost, so we wouldn’t have to.  Jesus is passing the savings on to us. 

In order to make the Kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven- requires the work of many.  Jesus couldn’t do it alone. The Apostles couldn’t do it alone.

The disciples of Christ couldn’t do it alone. 

Pastors, Priests, Rabbi’s, Imam’s and Prophets can’t do it alone. 

We need the people who believe in the power of GodCo. 

In our division of GodCo, we ask that you accept the teachings of Jesus and adopt them into your life.  If you can humble yourself enough to accept that you need help, help that can come through our Lord and Savior, his life and teachings- then you will begin to see the Kingdom of God- the whole Kingdom of God exalted. 

Let GodCo pass the savings on to you, and I guarantee you will want to pass the savings on to others, AMEN!