My 19 Theses

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the church door.  I decided to write my 19 Theses:

19 reasons why the church is relevant and important.

1  The Steeple is a beacon for God to all who pass by the church, or walk the Green.

2  Our Church sanctuary is a gathering place for a community of faith. 

3  Our Church is a historical reminder of the faith of our ancestors and a symbol of hope for future generations.

4  Our hymns mark the liturgical seasons, and we share our faith and heritage through song.

5  A choir is a group of folk that love to sing and an opportunity to serve.

6  Boards and Committees allow many people in the church to share in the work, and give members a voice in shaping the mission and vision our church

7  We offer education opportunities to every generation of the church

8  We model Christian, religious and spiritual behavior for the next generation

9  Our building hosts community groups and gives them a space to meet

10  Our church offers a sacred space for weddings, funerals and baptisms

11  We gather together and share the joys and concerns in our lives

12  We celebrate the sacraments of the Communion and Baptism.

13  The Word of God is central to our understanding of worship and life

14  The Gospel is shared through a message, songs, children’s moment and our behavior

15  We visit the sick, shut-in, elderly, and young. We send cards and prayers of hope, and encouragement.

16  We will prepare meals, offer rides, or just sit with those who really need us in their darkest times.

17  We are dedicated to Jesus’ commandment to love God and to love our neighbor   

18  We seek to demonstrate God’s Spirit through worship, witness, and ministry to the needs of the people in the church and the community. 

19  We believe that God loves you, and there’s nothing you can do about it