New Time- Hit the Reset

Joseph and Mary take the baby Jesus to the Temple for dedication.   This was done according to the Law of Moses.  The firstborn was to be holy—for God.  Mary and Joseph don’t abandon their roots.  At the temple they meet Simeon and Anna.  They validate the baby Messiah.  Simeon has the foresight to call the baby the “light of revelation to the Gentiles, and there will be no distinction between Jew and Gentile.” 

Joseph and Mary are amazed!  Their baby is destined for greatness.  Surely, we believe that all babies are destined for greatness—but the old man, Simeon, saw this in their child.  How many people knew?  Did Mary and Joseph tell everyone the news?  Did they keep the news that their baby was the Messiah to themselves?  Were they like, #my baby’s the Messiah!  Were they posting bragging photos of their baby on Facebook? In their family Hanukkah newsletter were they like…

“Our nephew John is doing well- showing signs of entering the priesthood like his dad.  However, he does like to spend a lot of time outdoors by the River.  Sweet Baby Jesus is the Messiah.   A happy baby, he doesn’t cry—all the animals of the field love him.  Showing signs of being the Savior of the world.”  If it was out there- if Mary and Joseph had shared with their family, and their families shared with their friends and the community—that the baby Jesus is the Messiah-  then it is going viral.       

If Anna and Simeon have figured this out, then Herod is going to figure it out!

So, Mary and Joseph and the Baby are going to leave town and disappear in a new country.  When they get to Egypt, they get to start all over.  It is a brand new beginning.  A new life. 

We all need new starts.  I even think that our country needs a new start.  Time to hit the reset button and see what happens.  I bet Mary and Joseph wanted to hit the reset button.  In a new place, they could start all over again.  He could do his carpentry in the cities that were being built.  Mary wouldn’t have to explain stable births or angelic dreams. 

New starts—hitting the reset button—repenting—this is always possible with God.  God wants us to be new creatures.  We are promised new life through Christ.  But we have to be open to receiving a new life in Christ.  New times—new possibilities—a new opportunity for God’s grace.  It is a new day, a new time, and with God’s help we can be new creatures in Christ.  Let us ask God to help us with that.  Amen.