Binge Watching Jesus

Binge Watching is a thing!  Before the incredible success of streaming, we might pull out DVD season of our favorite television show that we purchased at a bargain price on Black Friday.  I used to hunt out seasons of The West Wing, so that I could forever watch one of my favorite programs.  Binge watching used to be reserved for rainy miserable weekends.  Then the pandemic…and every day felt like a rainy miserable weekend.  

So, what have you been binge watching?  We made a list in our house of every show, documentary and series that we have watched thus far.  Quite frankly, it’s both impressive and embarrassing.  We even had programs that the different configurations in our house might watch.  The wife and I had a show we watched.  The daughter and I had a show that we watched.  Then we had shows all three of us would watch when we were together.   There was Tiger King which seems so long ago now.  There was The Last Dance, which was fascinating even if you weren’t a fan of the Bulls.  The Crown, The Queen’s Gambit, and I think there were some Star Wars related stuff released…too many options.   

If you have ever binge watched a television series you know there is a certain pattern.  The first season you are getting to know the characters.  The writers haven’t really developed the characters, but you can see them starting to come into focus.  Many people will recommend something and say, “Stick with it.  It gets better.   It really clicks around episode 5 (or season 2).”   Usually it does, but sometimes it doesn’t.   If you watch an entire series, you are half wanting it be over- so you can get on with your life, and simultaneously sad that ‘there are only 4 episodes left.’  How are they going to wrap it all up?  

Then its over!  It’s over.  You need to take a few days to absorb it, and grieve that these characters will never again appear together.  You have given them your time, and your heart.  You will never learn- what happens next.  Then there is the thought, ‘there is no what happens next.’ 

Back in Jesus’ day, they weren’t binge watching programs.  I think of the three seasons that the disciples (and eventual Apostles) spent with Jesus.   Good Friday is when the series ends!  They have been with Jesus every waking moment (except for the moments when Jesus goes off to pray by himself, or when they were sent off to practice what Jesus was preaching).   But they traveled, toured, worked side by side with Jesus for three years.  Kids and adults bond at one week of overnight church camp.  There is always a tremendous flow of tears on the night before kids leave camp—and that’s only one week!  One week of an intense experience probably doesn’t really even compare to three years of intense ministry!  

When Jesus was crucified on Friday—everyone thought, “that’s it.”  The show is over.  It’s time to go home.   But the season finale of the third year is nothing compared to the fourth season.  Granted, it was a limited season, and the series got cut way too short.   Jesus comes back for a limited run.  But the limited run was just enough to inspire a million spin offs!  

After the ascension of Jesus (spoiler alert)- the disciples of Jesus scattered to different lands.  They brought the show with them, and created their own series. 

Don’t be sad that it appears the season, or the series is over.  The best reunion show of all time is yet to come!  Stay tuned…the best is yet to come.